Well, it is official my daddy is one lazy man. Mom has been busy all month and fatty too fatty mcdaddy couldn’t even write one post! It was a very busy month that included a hospital stay for my sister and proof that fatty to fatty mcdaddy isn’t my real dad. I do have to say that fatty to fatty mcdaddy did get some new pictures up of me.
So lets begin with what happened last month. Mommy went back to work and since she works really close to home, she just goes to work in the morning. That leaves daddy as the one that takes me to Grandma CC’s new house since it is really close to where her works. So far Daddy hasn’t killed me (which is amazing). Most days, mom comes and picks me up and I get to spend some great quality time with her before daddy comes home and ruins it.
As I said before, my sister Panda Cat had to spend some time in the hospital because every time she ate or drank, she would puke it back up. She was gone for almost 3 whole days but when she came back she was feisty as usual and we began our normal play. Mommy say it was because Panda probably ate something that she shouldn’t have. If that is the case, daddy is to blame because he keep giving her Buffalo Spice Doritos and Cheetos. I also think daddy gave her an ulcer.
So now to the proof that fatty to fatty mcdaddy is not my daddy. I had to go to my doctor this week, which I was dreading cause every other time I go, she stabs me and I hurt for hours; for my nine month check up. Well they poked me, proded me and then took all of these measurements. So I am at a good height of 27 inches, my head is the right size, but they say that I am not fat enough. If that is not proof that fatty to fatty mcdaddy is not my daddy, I don’t know what is!!! But just think, I now get to eat every thing that I ever wanted just so that I can gain weight, ICE CREAM HERE I COME. No need to lose any for me!
Now that we know why daddy is torturing me, please call PETA!!!
Well it is late, so I am off to bed to get my needed rest.
–Alexander, the not so fat one