September 3, 2007

Welcome back!!!

I know that my parents have been slacking on writing to the blog for the past few months and I agree, there is no excuse for it, my daddy is plain and simply LAZY!!! I can’t blame my mommy because she spent the entire summer with me and we had way more important things to do than blog like: eat, nap, play, poop, nap, eat, play, and then go to bed. Daddy did his usual of going to work, caring for two lawns and houses and helping mom when she needed it, so he had plenty of time to blog but didn’t.

To catch you up on what I did, my mommy had a birthday and she got a year wiser, daddy had one too but that just means he is getting old. Right before daddy’s birthday, a tree fell down in our back yard and took out my big deck and broke mommy’s car (actually, it just fell on the deck and did close to $3000 damage to Mel’s car {daddy}).

Oh yeah, one of the best parts of the summer was that Auntie Shyster came home for the summer. We played a lot, ate a lot and finally rode in cars a lot as we made a road trip and took her back to Oklahoma City for her last year of school. On the trip home, daddy made me vist the John Deere factory, I have to admit it was fun but still, why do I have to do stuff to make him happy.

Mommy says that once she gets into a schedule, she is going to go back and make some updates so that you can actully she what I did over the summer. Daddy finally posted some new pics of me. Man is he fat, but then again he thinks he is a farmer.

Glad to be back and cant wait to keep you posted on my adventures.

5 Replies to “September 3, 2007”

  1. Hi Little Man! I am so glad that I can read about your days again. I hear that you are making new noises and sticking your tongue out at people! Way to go! So just incase I have not told you enought lately, you are the best nephew ever and I love you very much! Love, Auntie Shyster.

  2. Well actually you pooped more than they gave you credit for but that is neither here nor there.You continue to amaze me. You love to see how thing go together even at the young age of 8 months. You pull yourself up and can find the right end of the plugger. You love to pull hair Nathosa’s included. Natosha is getting very fond of you. This morning when you awoke from your nap you had a barking dog calling me to come and save you from the playpen. Ypou love to crawl and Nathosha loves to lay by you. I am waiting for you to fall asleep near her and then I really have a picturee to save. Vicki is taking you for a stroll in your new light weight stroller while I get some work done. Running a practice, 3 lawsuits, 2 kids in school, a move to a new house, are all secondary. You make me sit down and watch you and hold you and forget all the other STUFF. Alex ,you are a joy and a wonder. You are a good boy and we all love you.What , mom, no talk or mention of SPENCER. We need more on the subject. love grandma CC

  3. Because he is a good friend of my mom and dad. If you took me to a cool custard stand to annoy your friends in San Diego, there would be tons of pictures of you and me on the site. (just a thought)

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