April 24, 2007

Well I suppose it is official now, I sleep in my new bedroom and crib and I like it lots (most of the time) Sometimes I want to be with Mommy and Daddy (I suppose) but all I have to do is make noises and the come running….Mommy faster than Daddy (unless Mommy makes Daddy come instead)

Today I slept so late, that Daddy had tot take me to Grandma CC’s. Mommy picked me up from the “new” office instead of Daddy. Daddy was at work where people are moving stuff and he had to make sure that everything still worked ok. They are building a new office just for my Daddy! I can’t wait to see that!

It seems that Mommy and I were only home for a few moments, before we were back at the office. Uncle Jimmy and Daddy were moving computers and setting them up for Grandma CC. So I got to play with Mommy, Grandma CC, and then Brenna showed back up (and she had Emma with her too). I was out “working” until after 10pm…I think I should file for overtime! Of course I fell asleep at 8:30…but I don’t think that should matter!

It was an event filled day again, and I am very very tired

A sleep little guy