Happy Birthday Day to me! I am 3 months old today. Yeah. That means more pictures. Daddy took them of me in my Bumbo and if I do say so myself, I am one cute little guy! You can view them by looking at my photo album under the 3 months choice.
Daddy took a vacation day so we hung out together all day. It was actually fun (when he doesn’t ahve to work and can pay all his attention to me..like it should be). Mommy came home after work, and she told me that it is now “spring break” and we have 10 entire days together. I am sooooooo very very very EXCITED!
Grandma CC left for a place called Baltimore today, so I won’t be seeing her for a while. I will miss her, but I have my Mommy all to myself for a long time (Ok so Daddy is here, and Panda Cat, and Gizmo Cat…but I think I can arranged it so that Mommy spends more time with me than any of them)
A very very happy little monster
Mommy needs to tell the story about Panda in the door………..boo hoo…grandma cc