One Reply to “November 7, 2012”

  1. Ok grandma CC speaking….more on the subject of this past year and summer. You started the piano and it has gone magnificently. Bach is back in the house. Your favorite tunes are Ode to Joy, and now you are learnignjingle bells…and your parents are tying to say no xmas tunes til after thanksgiving but this one is an exception….you had a piano recital and played 3 peices and took a proper bow between each one. then you gave your teacher flowers and sat with her as you adore her and she you.You were in the scale olympics and got a PERFECT score. 4 Blue ribbons…clearly you take after your mother in the music world. last summer with the soccer you watched the clouds and the birds as the ball wizzed by and you were like a car in the middle of a NewYork intersection at 5 PM….this year you scored goals and we all cheered. your sister told the coach she was ready to go in too.As for the 2 of you…you get along so well sometime and fight so much other times. LOLO sticks up for you tooth and nail,and i overheard a conversation form the back seats as i was driving and you two were talking like i was not there. She said “I love you Alex” and you did not answer until she said it 3 times. then you said”I love you too lauren”So it is offial. you are fasinated with the weather and can tell me the names of the clouds etc….you are reading this year and cannot put the books down when you are into them.You are a wonder and i am enjoying seeing you grow more in mind and intellect than in height i must say.Your ears however are developing more slowly than the rest of you but i am told that is normal for a boy….i hope this small addition to you blog makes your parents also write more often….

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