Day 1

Well I have been around for a full day now and it really isn’t that bad. It is still not the same but I guess I will have live on. I like my daddy a lot, he looks like a teddy bear from what mommy says. Mom really hates that so I think daddy it going to look more like mommy. I am still trying to understand this eating thing. I used to get fed by this little tube, but now I have to suck, what gives? So many people have visited me and I cant remember any of them but I am sure my mom will remind me. Well since it need to get 22 hours of sleep today, I think I am going to take a nap.

Chat with you later


They actually did it

I can’t believe it! They actually came into my house and start tossing stuff out to begin the eviction process. Grandma was right, my dad is more stubborn than I am.

Be here soon

Here I come

Well, since I did not make my appearance, my mom and dad are evicting me! I am not sure, I hear that this Panda Cat can be a bit mean. Oh well, I guess that I will have to let Gizmo Cat protect me. I will put up a fight but I am sure they will win.

I can’t wait to see you all later this week.

Love Alex.

I WIN!!!

Well it’s day two and I have no plans of coming out. My mom’s doc thinks differently, but he is wrong. I am way too comfy in here. I know I keep saying see you soon, but I think I am going to change my mind.

Later than sooner.


New Year’s Day

Well I made to “next” year. Dad says I owe him $3300 plus 2% apr. Mom says dad is wrong and I believe mom. I know dad is kidding but I am going to make his life hard. Also it was a good day…GO BUCKY!!!!!! He had a wonderful ham samwich!!!

Waiting to visit all of you!


New Year’s Eve

Well, New Year’s Eve is here and almost gone. I haven’t arrived to show my daddy who the boss really is. Sorry no tax break for him. I can now say, see you all next year!!!

Love Alex.

Hello world! (sort of)

I know it is odd for me to make a blog entry while I am still in my mommy’s tummy, but I thought I should do it. I will come when I feel like it, but right now I am warm and fed on a regular basis. Why would I leave this?

I can’t wait to see all of you!


Melissa and Greg would like to thank everyone who attended the baby shower and for all of the wonderful gifts.